New Palm-Mar Sea front plans

29/09/2008 14:21

For the sea front many new plans have been drawn up, some truly unique, which will make it even more attractive to live in Palm-Mar.

The beach promenade has been finished quite a while ago, and has a wonderful feel to it, with benches in true Gaudí style and lovely water ponds with tropical flowerbeds. The beach will be divided into a sandy beach and a rocky beach, there will be a snorkelling area, and natural seawater pools. A taxiboat going to and fro Los Cristianos will enable people to go shopping without having to take the car, or visitors to view Palm-Mar without having to move with bus or car. The public bus service will be installed in short, something a lot of owners have been waiting for, as this will generate more interest both for residents, owners and tenants.
